Applying to top MBA with low GMAT? Probably the best MBA Admissions Consulting firm in the world

What is MBA admissions consulting?

The MBA application process is time-consuming and complex. ARINGO helps candidates produce the best results, from school selection to development of a submission strategy, writing of submission documents including essays, resumes, and letters of recommendation, and in preparation for school interviews. Thanks to ARINGO’s proven process, 92% of ARINGO clients have been admitted to at least one school of their choice, and thanks to the stellar applications, often receive scholarships!

How does ARINGO achieve the best results in the industry?

ARINGO’s process includes the close personal guidance of a Senior Consultant and additional support from our team of experts, comprised of graduates and ex-admission committee members of the world’s leading MBA programs, along with career coaches and experienced writers. Our process is tailored to each candidate according to his needs. Rather than one strategy for all, each case is examined on its own to create a distinct, top-notch application.

Harvard U

Harvard University

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    For most MBA programs, your GMAT score accounts for about 20% of the admission decision (some top schools place less emphasis on this test, contact us to help decide which schools are right for you).

    You can get into top MBA programs with a low GMAT score!! Your GMAT score gives schools information about your analytical abilities, a key admission driver. In order to gain admittance in spite of a low GMAT score, your application needs to highlight your analytical achievements.

    The following are three main strategies for getting admitted to a top MBA program with a low GMAT score. ARINGO specializes in helping prospects with low GMAT scores get into their top-choice programs.

    Strategy 1: Showcase your intellectual abilities with other objective measures

    Use your main essays to highlight recent achievements that demonstrate your abilities. Examples include: being selected to train colleagues based on your mastery of a subject, obtaining a professional certification in your field, gaining acceptance to a competitive firm, excelling in other exams such as the Bar Exam, MCAT, or LSAT, obtaining merit-based scholarships, receiving academic nominations or awards, IQ score and even high school rank.

    ARINGO can help you to communicate your intelligence through your application.

    Strategy 2: Frame your academic experience as more rigorous than that of your peer group

    In your main essays, highlight (in a positive way) hardships or complexities that you experienced in your academic career that set you apart from your peers. For example: above average extracurricular work, working 20+ hours a week while obtaining your degree, starting a business venture while in school, serving in the military during school or graduating early. Make sure to highlight these experiences in a positive light, explaining how they helped you grow.

    ARINGO can help you find the experiences in your life that will contribute to your application, and show you how to highlight them in your essays.

    Strategy 3: Take action before submitting your application

    There are several options for actions you can take to emphasize your intelligence before submitting your application:
    Complete and excel in a business-related course, preferably one that requires quantitative skills, at a prestigious institution before applying.
    Apply to schools which have few applicants with your background or which place less emphasis on GMAT scores.
    Retake the GMAT, but only if you think you can either improve your score significantly (by 30-40 points) or cross the 700 mark well before applications are due so you won’t be distracted from the rest of the admissions process.

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