The Ross MBA – University of Michigan

The Ross School of Business, founded in 1924, belongs to the University of Michigan. It is one of the leading business schools worldwide and known as a preferred program for those looking to make a career shift and enter business. Thanks to its proximity to the heart of the US automobile industry, Detroit, the school has an excellent working relationship with this industry, especially with companies such as Daimler Chrysler, Ford and General Motors.

Ross MBA - University of Michigan

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Average Age

Class size

Acceptance Rate

Average GMAT

Average GPA

FT Ranking

Percent of Hires in Each Industry:

  • Consulting 42.2%
  • Technology 17.3%
  • Financial 15%

Median Starting Salary per industry:

  • Consulting – $175K
  • Financial – $175K
  • Technology – $136K
  • Consumer – $120K
  • Health Care – $140K
  • Manufacturing – $125K
  • Energy – 125K
  • Retail – $128K
  • Transportation – $106K
  • Exhibit team-play and collaboration skills.
  • Emphasize your interest in the action-based component, show that it’s the right study method for you. Show you are familiar with MAP and other unique aspects of curriculum.
  • Be excited about their unique approach.
  • School putting more emphasis on entrepreneurship- good to show entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Require a four-year undergrad degree. If only have three-year degree, need to have done a two-year post-graduate degree in an international program, or a 1-year postgrad in a US program.
  • Accept the MCAT and LSAT in place of the GMAT or GRE, and will continue offering candidates the option to request a waiver of our standardized test requirements for the 2021-2022 admissions cycle.
These traits make you more likely to get accepted into Michigan’s MBA program:


(4 is highest, 1 is lowest)

Team Player/Relationship Builder3
Presentation Skills2
Persuasion Skills1
Risk Taker1
Business Skills1
Source of career plan/prog choice1
Credible Names2
Story is unique1
Learn more about the meaning of these traits and how they are reflected in your application.

ARINGO has developed this information through ARINGO employees who worked with the Ross MBA admissions committee, thousands of hours of research, and by helping hundreds of applicants apply to Michigan. ARINGO knows Michigan, and we can help your strengths shine through your application. Contact us today.

Corporate Strategy, (General Management)

The school’s key strengths are strategy, general management, marketing and accounting.

The program is large, with approximately 900 students, with an average age of 29 – slightly higher than the US average for MBA programs.

The Ross School puts much effort into developing teamwork skills among its students, and attracts employers looking for quality students with strong general skills and high potential. The school is known for its unique “action-based” teaching method, which emphasizes the link between theory and practice. As part of a school project, students work in teams to solve real problems of real companies.

Alumni include the following individuals, with current or past positions in parentheses: Mark Kennedy (member of the U.S. Congress), David Bohnett (Founder and CEO of GeoCities), Roger Smith (Chairman and CEO of General Motors) and Stephen Sanger (CEO of General Mills).

  • Team based, not overly competitive.
  • Great college-town community.
  • Brand new facilities.
  • Often ranked first by recruiters.
  • Large alumni network.
  • MAP program gives students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with a particular company/industry, even before doing a summer internship (and sometimes get summer internship from MAP company).
  • School is all about its unique approach, which it calls ‘action-based’ learning. It emphasizes connecting theory to practice, and practical experience. Centerpiece of curriculum is MAP, a seven-week program where second-semester students work in teams to solve real problems for real companies. Recruiters say they like students’ ‘practical’ approach.
  • Relatively high percentage of students with undergrad degrees in engineering.
  • People who would enjoy a more hands-on, practical approach to learning.
  • People who want a college town experience (esp. football).
  • May be good for families – good town, lower cost of living.
  • $80,000
  • $80,000
  • $80,000
  • $40,000
  • $130,000
  • $80,000
  • $40,000
  • $150,000
  • $12,000
  • $40,000
  • $80,000
  • $20,000
  • $20,000
  • $20,000
  • $10,000
  • $128,000
  • $128,000
  • $20,000
  • $67,000
  • $40,000
  • $20,000
  • $20,000
  • $30,000
  • $30,000
  • $20,000
  • $30,000
  • $60,000
  • $30,000
  • $40,000
  • $10,000
  • $40,000
  • $20,000
  • $10,000
  • $40,000
  • $40,000
  • $41,000
  • $40,000
  • $20,000
  • $20,000
  • $20,000
  • $20,000
  • $12,000

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