Average GMAT/GRE Scores for Admitted MBA Students

When it comes to applying for an MBA program, standardized tests like the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) and GRE (Graduate Record Examination) play a crucial role in the admissions process. These tests assess an applicant’s aptitude for business and serve as a common metric for comparing candidates. In this article, we will explore the average GMAT/GRE scores for admitted MBA students, highlighting the importance of standardized tests, their role in application requirements, and the score ranges for top MBA programs, including the prestigious M7 schools and leading EU/UK institutions.

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  1. Standardized Tests: Importance in MBA Admissions: Standardized tests serve as an objective measure of a candidate’s quantitative, verbal, analytical, and critical thinking skills—attributes essential for success in an MBA program. Admissions committees rely on these scores to evaluate an applicant’s academic readiness and potential. While standardized tests are just one component of a comprehensive application, they provide a standardized benchmark for comparing candidates from diverse academic backgrounds.
  2. GMAT vs. GRE: Accepted Tests for MBA Programs: The GMAT has been the traditional choice for MBA programs; however, most business schools now accept the GRE as well. GMAT is also revamping to GMAT Focus Edition and the tests will be available from next year (2024). The GRE offers greater flexibility, as it is accepted by a wide range of graduate programs beyond business schools. MBA applicants can choose the test that aligns with their strengths and preferences. Admissions committees typically do not have a strong preference for one test over the other, focusing more on the overall score achieved.

ParameterGREGMAT Focus EditionCurrent GMAT
Test Duration3 hours 45 minutes2 hours 15 minutes3 hours 7 minutes
No. of Sections634
Section NamesQuantitative Reasoning (QR), Verbal Reasoning (VR), Analytical Writing (AWA), Unscored (U), Research (R)Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Verbal Reasoning (VR), Data Insights (DI)Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Verbal Reasoning (VR), Analytical Writing (AWA),Integrated Reasoning (IR)
Section DurationQR- 2 sections, 30 minutes each
VR- 2 sections, 35 minutes each
AWA- 2 essays, 30 minutes each
U & R varies
45 minutes each
VR- 65 minutes
IR- 30 minutes
AWA- 30 minutes
QR- 62 minutes
No. of QuestionsQR-40, VR-40, AWA-1, U & R- Varies64 Qs in total (tentative); QR- 21, VR- 23, DI- 2080 Qs in total; QR- 31, VR-36, IR-12, AWA- 1

  1. Average GMAT/GRE Scores for Top US MBA Programs: The average GMAT/GRE scores for admitted MBA students vary across different programs, reflecting the competitiveness and selectivity of each institution. The M7 schools, comprising Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Chicago Booth, MIT Sloan, Columbia, and Northwestern Kellogg, are known for their rigorous admission processes. The average GMAT scores for these schools typically range from the 720-740, with some variance depending on the cohort.

Outside the M7, other top MBA programs such as Berkeley Haas, Tuck, and Yale School of Management also have high average GMAT scores in the mid-700s to low-700s range. It’s important to note that these are averages, and successful applicants may be admitted with scores both above and below these ranges.

Average GMAT score of Top US schools

School NameAverage GMAT
Stanford GSB737
Chicago Booth729
Penn Wharton733
Northwestern Kellogg729
Harvard Business School730*
MIT Sloan730*
Columbia Business School729
Dartmouth Tuck726
UC-Berkeley Haas729
Yale SOM725*
Duke Fuqua718
Michigan Ross720
NYU Stern733
Virginia Darden720
Cornell Johnson710*

In terms of GRE scores, the average accepted scores align closely with the GMAT ranges mentioned above. While the exact average GRE scores may differ slightly, top MBA programs generally consider a comparable level of performance on the GRE as they do on the GMAT. As MBA programs are not currently ranked on their reported GRE average, some schools elect not to publish their averages (noted by N/A below).

Average GRE score of top MBA US MBA programs

School NameAverage GRE
Pennsylvania (Wharton)324
Chicago (Booth)N/A
Stanford GSB327
Northwestern (Kellogg)N/A
Harvard Business School326
MIT (Sloan)325
Columbia Business School322
Yale SOM329
Dartmouth (Tuck)N/A
UC-Berkeley (Haas)324
Michigan (Ross)320
Duke (Fuqua)318
Cornell (Johnson)324
Virginia (Darden)319
New York (Stern)325

  1. Average GMAT/GRE Scores for Top EU/UK MBA Programs : EU/UK MBA programs also place significance on standardized test scores during their admissions processes. Institutions like INSEAD, London Business School, and Oxford Saïd Business School are recognized globally for their exceptional MBA programs.

For INSEAD, the average GMAT score of admitted students is typically around 700, while the average GRE score is approximately 160-162 for both the verbal and quantitative sections. London Business School and Oxford Saïd Business School have similar average GMAT scores in the high-600s range, with corresponding GRE scores averaging around 156-158.

Average GMAT score of Top EU/UK schools

School NameAverage GMAT
Cambridge Judge690
ESMT Berlin640
HEC Paris690*
IESE Business School670
IMD Business School680
London Business School708**
Oxford Saïd Business School690*

  1. The Role of Standardized Test Scores in the Application: While GMAT/GRE scores are essential, they are just one part of a comprehensive application package. Admissions committees consider other factors such as work experience, academic transcripts, essays, recommendation letters, and interviews to assess a candidate’s overall profile. A high test score can enhance an application, but it is not the sole determinant of admission. It is crucial to present a well-rounded application that showcases your achievements, goals, and fit with the program.

Standardized tests like the GMAT and GRE serve as significant components of the MBA application process, providing a standardized benchmark for evaluating candidates. The average GMAT/GRE scores for admitted MBA students vary across different programs, with top MBA schools and prestigious institutions typically setting high expectations. However, it’s important to remember that these scores are just one part of a holistic evaluation. Admissions committees consider various factors when making their decisions, including work experience, academic records, essays, recommendations, and interviews. Ultimately, a strong performance on the GMAT or GRE can strengthen your application, but it should be complemented by a well-rounded profile that demonstrates your potential as a future business leader.