Frank Ma

Senior Consultant

London Business School graduate

Frank holds an MBA from London Business School (LBS) where he was awarded an Annual Funds Scholarship. While at LBS, Frank gained substantial MBA application experience. He participated in numerous admissions events (in London and Hong Kong) where he advised potential candidates about the admissions process and its expectations. He also advised the LBS Admissions Office on exchange student applications.

Prior to the MBA, Frank worked in GE’s Energy business under the Edison Engineering Leadership Program and as a combustion engineer. His primary focus was on gas turbine new product development. He was also selected as the first GE Edison to complete an expatriate assignment in China.

Jun Frank Ma

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Frank holds a B.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering (with distinction) from Cornell University and an M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech, where he graduated with a perfect 4.0 GPA.

During his MBA, Frank completed internships in London at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and The Carbon Trust, focusing on the energy and the renewables industries.

Frank is passionate about community service and founded the LBS Volunteers Club to promote student volunteering in the London community. Today he works as Global Strategy Director at John Crane.