Lauren Osbourn

Senior Consultant
Harvard Business School graduate

ARINGO clients who worked with Lauren were admitted to MBA programs at Harvard, Wharton, Stanford, Booth, MIT, Kellogg, Columbia, NYU, Berkeley, UCLA, LBS, Duke, Tuck, Yale, Cornell, Michigan, McCombs, Babson, Georgetown, Boston College, Mendoza and many more.

Lauren received her MBA from Harvard Business School in 2013, and her BA in political science from Stanford University in 2006.  Lauren applied to six business schools, and was accepted at all of them.  She has worked with many applicants to share her approach and insights from her application process.

Prior to business school, Lauren spent five years expanding access to finance for the poor in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. She worked on mobile phone banking and value chain finance projects for the US Agency for International Development. Additionally, she spent a year working in Venezuela for a microfinance NGO; helping it expand to 15 countries.

After graduating from Harvard Business School, Lauren joined J.P. Morgan’s Management Associate Program, a 2 year leadership training. For the past five years, she has focused on leading a Commercial Banking team in Oregon, redesigning new client onboarding, and supporting Healthcare, Higher Education, and Nonprofit clients.

Lauren Osbourn

Applicants’ quotes:

“I am definitely happy with the results and I am really excited about the scholarships too! My application definitely would not have been as refined or polished without Lauren’s help. I really did enjoy working with her and thought she had very solid suggestions to my original essays. Given the short time frame I had to apply to the number of schools I did, I found her advice to be invaluable and she really helped me produce 2-3 very good essays/stories that I was able to shape and tailor to each school I applied to. I also really appreciated her quick turnaround during a particularly busy time (I started the week before Christmas but she never waited more than 48h to turnaround anything I sent her, and oftentimes would have it back even sooner). As you know, I applied to HBS and GSB last year without any help or direction and was not accepted at either. Although those two schools didn’t work out this year again (perhaps it might have been due to my reapplicant status / the fact that not enough has changed in the 9 months since my last application), I got into all the other schools I applied to for the first time with very generous scholarships, and I definitely don’t think my results would have been as successful without Lauren’s help. Beyond the essays, I also found her particularly helpful when it came to my resume. Before, mine read like a professional resume but Lauren helped highlight my most pertinent accomplishments / bring out leadership qualities while making it very accessible to an Adcom. She was also extremely helpful with regards to what qualities my second recommender should highlight after reading through an initial list of bullet points. Again, thanks for recommending Lauren – she was great to work with and I am more than happy to answer any other questions you might have.”


“Initially, I was dreading that the application process would be so boring but you made it so fun.. The way you push me and “bring out” the answer from me, that is pure genius of you. I am really enjoying the process with you, it’s so easy now. Thanks for being patient with me.”


“Lauren is an absolute pleasure to work with. She has helped me to completely revamp and perfect my Resume in a very short amount of time. Right now we are putting a pause on the essay portion while I study for the GMAT. Next week we will dive back into things. So far everything is going smoothly!”


I think Lauren was great. She always made herself available and I felt like she truly cared about me/my applications.


I cannot speak higher of Lauren she did a fantastic job helping me with the Notre Dame application.


“Things are going great. I think that Lauren is a great consultant! Everything has honestly been great so far, keep doing what you’re doing. I don’t think I would be anywhere close to where I am without you.”


“Lauren, I feel like I lucked out in choosing you as my application consultant. You have been extremely helpful with all of your essay edits, revisions and suggestions- you are clearly very skilled and good at what you do. More importantly, your personality has been very helpful in allowing me to open up and share a lot of details about my life for my essays, it made a huge difference that from day 1 you made an effort to get to know me on a casual and non-formal basis, that really helped set forth a strong foundation of comfort working with you. I have felt as though you truly understand what an admission officer looks for in an application. I have noticed a huge difference in the type of commentary and feedback I gain from you in comparison to ‘edits or suggestions’ a friend or family member would give on my essays. Being able to make my essays hard hitting and concise without any ‘filler’ words is the main issue I struggle with in my writing, you have been able to fix that problem for me over and over again. Lastly, your turnaround time for all emails, revisions, etc and the fact that you are available to be reached through text message and phone calls at almost all hours of the day has been above and beyond my expectations. The knowledge of each school’s culture has been fantastic, and moreover you have a great understanding of all the industries and job prospects for each school. Up until this point in the process I give you a 10/10. I suppose the next step that remains to be seen is the interview prep if I am able to obtain some interview invites from the schools in question! Thanks for checking in with me. I have also truly enjoyed the experience up till now!”

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