The MBA Waitlist Campaign

Thousands of those who went to the top business schools over the years were originally waitlisted. Once you are in, no one remembers or cares that you were waitlisted.

Can you walk the extra mile?

A lot depends now on the extent to which the school feels that you’re really passionate about them specifically. Now is the time for The Waitlist Campaign: once in 1-2 weeks, the school should hear from/about you in one of the 6 ways listed below.

If the school’s waitlist instructions are in conflict with the below action items, the school’s instructions overrule. However, keep in mind that we may not have much to lose. It may be good to follow these action items even if the school asks not to do it. It’s more likely to help than to hurt. This is our last chance, and we have seen people who broke the waitlist instructions and got in.

Action items:

1. Take the GMAT again if you think there’s some chance you can improve your grade by 20 points or more.
Re-take the GMAT course if relevant.

2. Visit campus and request, in advance, a (second) interview with an admissions officer. This sometimes makes a significant difference.

3. Get a couple more support emails from students/professors/alumni.

4. Write a cover letter to the head of admissions detailing recent, significant, positive developments in your career / life (GMAT improvement, new job, promotion, distinctions) and restating your strong interest in the program.
Did you speak with students or alumni of the school recently? Did you attend a school event? If so, mention it in the letter. Describe what you have learned from it.

5. If the school doesn’t object to additional recommendation letters, get an additional recommendation letter.

6. If there was a significant development in your career (new employer, promotion, distinction) – you can get an additional recommendation letter covering this new development.

7. If the school allows additional essays, select a topic that adds information beyond your original application and write a new essay.

We hope this helps. Much much luck in this moment of truth.

The ARINGO Research Team

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