ARINGO MBA Admissions Consulting Statistics Probably the best MBA Admissions Consulting firm in the world

All statistics include 100% of our clients who worked with ARINGO for 7 hours or more. Some highlights from our 2024 statistics (For EMBA results see here):

  • Out of all clients who worked with ARINGO for at least 7 hours on applications for MBA programs that start in 2024, 83% were admitted to at least one program!
  • 60% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to Berkeley were admitted.
  • 52% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to Booth were admitted.
  • 85% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to Duke were admitted.
  • 100% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to ESADE were admitted.
  • 67% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to HEC were admitted.
  • 67% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to IESE were admitted.
  • 88% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to INSEAD were admitted.
  • 60% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to Kellogg were admitted.
  • 83% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to LBS were admitted.
  • 47% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to MIT were admitted.
  • 65% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to NYU were admitted.
  • 80% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to Oxford were admitted.
  • 56% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to Ross were admitted.
  • 43% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to Stanford were admitted.
  • 55% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to UCLA were admitted.
  • 41% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to Wharton were admitted.
  • 79% of all ARINGO MBA applicants who applied to Yale were admitted.
  • Total amount of scholarships offered to ARINGO clients this year: $5,832,000

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Applicants starting university in September 2024

Top USA Schools

SchoolARINGO Admission rateSchool Admission rateScholarships
Anderson – UCLA55%18%5 clients received a total of $400,000 in scholarships!
Chicago – Booth52%30%3 clients received a total of $790,000 in scholarships!
Columbia48%22%2 clients admitted with full scholarships!
Fuqua – Duke85%25%5 clients received a total of $280,000 in scholarships!
Haas – Berkeley60%13%
Harvard42%13%80% of candidates received need-based scholarships
Kellogg60%31%3 clients received a total of $250,000 in scholarships!
Ross – Michigan56%26%4 clients received a total of $280,000 in scholarships!
Sloan – MIT47%18%5 clients received a total of $195,000 in scholarships!
Stanford43%8%Client admitted with a $270,000 scholarship!
Stern – NYU65%18%4 clients received a total of $325,000 in scholarships!
Tuck – Dartmouth50%22%2 clients admitted with full scholarships!
Wharton41%25%8 clients received a total of $1,200,000 in scholarships!
Yale79%24%3 clients received a total of $260,000 in scholarships!
Top European Schools
London Business School83%14%Client admitted with a £51,000 scholarship!
ESADE100%61%Client admitted with a €30,000 scholarship!
Judge – Cambridge50%33%
Said – Oxford80%32%Client admitted with a £20,000 scholarship!

Applicants starting university in September 2023

Top USA Schools

SchoolARINGO Admission rateSchool Admission rateScholarships
Anderson – UCLA75%18%5 clients received a total of $580,000 in scholarships!
Chicago – Booth64%24%12 clients received a total of $1,6000,000 in scholarships!
Fuqua – Duke47%25%7 clients received a total of $433,000 in scholarships!
Haas – Berkeley50%13%2 clients received a total of $135,000 in scholarships!
Ross – Michigan57%35%3 clients received a total of $250,000 in scholarships!
Sloan – MIT64%10%Client admitted with a $25,000 scholarship!
Stern – NYU68%18%8 clients received a total of $630,000 in scholarships!
Tuck – Dartmouth57%22%2 clients received a total of $100,000 in scholarships!
Wharton52%20%7 clients received a total of $1,090,000 in scholarships!
Yale76%24%6 clients received a total of $445,000 in scholarships!
Top European Schools
INSEAD75%33%Client admitted with a €20,000 scholarship!
London Business School87%14%6 clients received a total of £214,000 in scholarships!
HEC80%17%3 clients received a total of €40,000 in scholarships!
IESE100%24%Client admitted with a €20,000 scholarship!
Judge – Cambridge80%33%
Said – Oxford88%32%Client admitted with a £30,000 scholarship!

Applicants starting university in September 2022

Top USA Schools

SchoolARINGO Admission rateSchool Admission rateScholarships
Anderson – UCLA67%18%Client admitted with a $100,000 scholarship!
Chicago – Booth46%24%6 clients received a total of $1,150,000 in scholarships!
Columbia60%18%2 clients received a total of $120,000 in scholarships!
Fuqua – Duke44%25%4 clients received a total of $340,000 in scholarships!
Haas – Berkeley55%13%Client admitted with a $50,000 scholarship!
Harvard35%12%Client admitted with a $55,000 scholarship!
Kellogg57%22%6 clients received a total of $440,000 in scholarships!
Ross – Michigan46%35%2 clients received a total of $162,000 in scholarships!
Sloan – MIT34%10%
Stanford28%7%Client admitted with a $113,000 scholarship!
Stern – NYU59%18%3 clients received a total of $332,000 in scholarships!
Tuck – Dartmouth43%22%3 clients received a total of $150,000 in scholarships!
Wharton50%20%6 clients received a total of $830,000 in scholarships!
Yale67%24%4 clients received a total of $124,000 in scholarships!
Top European Schools
London Business School52%14%3 clients received a total of £70,000 in scholarships!
HEC50%17%Client admitted with a €26,000 scholarship!
IE100%41%3 clients received a total of €67,000 in scholarships!
IESE88%24%3 clients received a total of €55,000 in scholarships!
Judge – Cambridge63%33%Client admitted with a £30,000 scholarship!
Said – Oxford89%32%4 clients received a total of £72,000 in scholarships!

Applicants starting university in September 2021

Top USA Schools

SchoolARINGO Admission rateSchool Admission rateScholarships
Anderson – UCLA80%18%2 clients received a total of $120,000 in scholarships!
Chicago – Booth55%24%5 clients received a total of $846,000 in scholarships!
Columbia43%18%Client admitted with a $77,000 scholarship!
Fuqua – Duke57%25%
Haas – Berkeley89%13%Client admitted with a $100,000 scholarship!
Harvard47%12%2 clients received a total of $230,000 in scholarships!
Kellogg50%22%3 clients received a total of $290,000 in scholarships!
Ross – Michigan71%35%Client admitted with a $40,000 scholarship!
Sloan – MIT*42%10%
Stanford41%7%2 clients received a total of $293,000 in scholarships!
Stern – NYU43%18%
Tuck – Dartmouth50%22%
Wharton47%20%3 clients received a total of $360,000 in scholarships!
Yale75%24%4 clients received a total of $130,000 in scholarships!
Top European Schools
INSEAD75%33%Client admitted with a €20,000 scholarship!
London Business School76%14%
HEC100%17%4 clients received a total of €72,000 in scholarships!
IE100%41%Client admitted with a €28,000 scholarship!
IESE89%24%5 clients received a total of €135,000 in scholarships!
Judge – Cambridge60%33%2 clients received a total of £30,000 in scholarships!
Said – Oxford82%32%Client admitted with a £20,000 scholarship!

* MIT offered a GMAT waiver leading to a 30% increase in applications and a decrease in the percentage of school admissions

Applicants starting university in September 2020

Top USA Schools

SchoolARINGO Admission rateSchool Admission rateScholarships
Anderson – UCLA67%18%3 clients received a total of $250,000 in scholarships!
Chicago – Booth64%24%9 clients received a total of $1,588,000 in scholarships!
Fuqua – Duke62%25%2 clients received a total of $70,000 in scholarships!
Haas – Berkeley80%13%Client admitted with a $123,000 scholarship!
Harvard53%12%2 clients received a total of $190,000 in scholarships!
Kellogg55%22%Client admitted with a $40,000 scholarship!
Ross – Michigan83%35%5 clients received a total of $150,000 in scholarships!
Sloan – MIT68%13%2 clients received a total of $130,000 in scholarships!
Stern – NYU56%18%2 clients received a total of $68,000 in scholarships!
Tuck – Dartmouth43%22%3 clients received a total of $180,000 in scholarships!
Wharton40%20%Client admitted with a $5,000 scholarship!
Top European Schools
INSEAD81%33%Client admitted with a €15,000 scholarship!
London Business School69%14%3 clients received a total of £85,000 in scholarships!
IE67%41%Client admitted with a €15,000 scholarship!
IESE78%24%3 clients received a total of €96,000 in scholarships!
Judge – Cambridge71%33%
Said – Oxford71%32%2 clients received a total of £105,000 in scholarships!

Applicants starting university in September 2019

Top USA Schools

SchoolARINGO Admission rateSchool Admission rateScholarships
Anderson – UCLA50%18%2 clients received a total of $130,000 in scholarships!
Chicago – Booth65%24%5 clients received a total of $800,000 in scholarships!
Columbia48%18%Client admitted with a $80,000 scholarship!
Fuqua – Duke56%25%Client admitted with a $40,000 scholarship!
Haas – Berkeley63%13%Client admitted with a $123,000 scholarship!
Harvard29%12%Client admitted with a $124,000 scholarship!
Johnson – Cornell79%30%8 clients received a total of $300,000 in scholarships!
Kellogg55%22%3 clients received a total of $210,000 in scholarships!
Ross – Michigan82%35%3 clients received a total of $276,000 in scholarships!
Sloan – MIT47%13%3 clients received a total of $70,000 in scholarships!
Stern – NYU50%18%Client admitted with a $28,000 scholarship!
Tuck – Dartmouth80%22%3 clients received a total of $90,000 in scholarships!
Wharton38%20%3 clients received a total of $140,000 in scholarships!
Top European Schools
INSEAD81%33%5 clients received a total of €72,000 in scholarships!
London Business School60%14%2 clients received a total of £60,000 in scholarships!
HEC75%17%2 clients received a total of €33,000 in scholarships!
IE100%41%2 clients received a total of €35,000 in scholarships!
IESE88%24%4 clients received a total of €100,000 in scholarships!
Judge – Cambridge100%33%Client admitted with a £10,000 scholarship!
Said – Oxford100%32%3 clients received a total of £140,000 in scholarships!

Applicants starting university in September 2018

Top USA Schools

SchoolARINGO Admission rateSchool Admission rateScholarships
Anderson – UCLA70%18%4 clients received a total of $170,000 in scholarships!
Chicago – Booth40%24%2 clients received a total of $340,000 in scholarships!
Columbia50%18%Client admitted with a $100,000 scholarship!
Fuqua – Duke42%25%4 clients received a total of $85,000 in scholarships!
Haas – Berkeley44%13%
Harvard45%12%2 clients received a total of $164,000 in scholarships!
Johnson – Cornell55%30%4 clients received a total of $180,000 in scholarships!
Kellogg48%22%4 clients received a total of $245,000 in scholarships!
Ross – Michigan40%35%3 clients received a total of $127,000 in scholarships!
Sloan – MIT38%13%4 clients received a total of $145,000 in scholarships!
Stern – NYU31%18%Client admitted with a $28,000 scholarship!
Tuck – Dartmouth38%22%
Top European Schools
INSEAD79%33%Client admitted with a €20,000 scholarship!
London Business School64%14%Client admitted with a £20,000 scholarship!
HEC67%17%2 clients received a total of €47,000 in scholarships!
IE88%41%4 clients received a total of €68,000 in scholarships!
IESE67%24%2 clients received a total of €35,000 in scholarships!
Judge – Cambridge60%33%
Said – Oxford67%32%

Applicants starting university in September 2017

Top USA Schools

SchoolARINGO Admission rateSchool Admission rateScholarships
Anderson – UCLA50%18%3 clients received a total of $150,000 in scholarships!
Chicago – Booth54%24%6 clients received a total of $880,000 in scholarships!
Fuqua – Duke45%25%2 clients received a total of $287,000 in scholarships!
Haas – Berkeley46%13%Client admitted with a $15,000 scholarship!
Johnson – Cornell55%30%4 clients received a total of $180,000 in scholarships!
Kellogg40%22%Client admitted with a $100,000 scholarship!
Ross – Michigan55%35%Client admitted with a $20,000 scholarship!
Sloan – MIT43%13%Client admitted with a $20,000 scholarship!
Stanford29%7%Client admitted with a $60,000 scholarship!
Stern – NYU40%18%Client admitted with a $28,000 scholarship!
Tuck – Dartmouth38%22%
Johnson – Cornell55%30%Client admitted with a $12,000 scholarship!
Wharton38%20%Client admitted with a $26,000 scholarship!
Top European Schools
INSEAD73%33%Client admitted with a €10,000 scholarship!
London Business School46%14%Client admitted with a £20,000 scholarship!
IE100%41%Client admitted with a €17,000 scholarship!
IESE100%24%Client admitted with a €10,000 scholarship!
Judge – Cambridge50%33%
Said – Oxford50%32%Client admitted with a £38,000 scholarship!

Applicants starting university in September 2016

Top USA Schools

SchoolARINGO Admission rateSchool Admission rateScholarships
Anderson – UCLA54%18%2 clients received a total of $260,000 in scholarships!
Chicago – Booth48%24%3 clients received a total of $300,000 in scholarships!
Fuqua – Duke58%25%
Haas – Berkeley44%13%
Kellogg36%22%2 clients received a total of $170,000 in scholarships!
Ross – Michigan50%35%
Sloan – MIT33%13%
Stern – NYU39%18%2 clients received a total of $287,000 in scholarships!
Tuck – Dartmouth42%22%
Johnson – Cornell86%30%
Yale58%24%Client admitted with a $123,000 scholarship!
Top European Schools
INSEAD76%NAClient admitted with a €13,000 scholarship!
London Business School58%14%Client admitted with a £25,000 scholarship!
HEC75%17%Client admitted with a €25,000 scholarship!
Judge – Cambridge67%33%
Said – Oxford100%NA

Applicants starting university in September 2015

Top USA Schools

SchoolARINGO Admission rateSchool Admission rateScholarships
Anderson – UCLA50%18%3 clients received a total of $160,000 in scholarships!
Chicago – Booth53%24%Client admitted with a $60,000 scholarship!
Columbia44%18%2 clients received a total of $83,000 in scholarships!
Fuqua – Duke50%25%
Harvard32%12%Client admitted with a $81,000 scholarship!
Ross – Michigan56%35%
Sloan – MIT29%13%3 clients received a total of $299,000 in scholarships!
Stern – NYU30%18%Client admitted with a $130,000 scholarship!
Tuck – Dartmouth40%22%
Top European Schools
London Business School50%14%4 clients received a total of ₤155,000 in scholarships!
HEC100%17%Client admitted with a ₤18,000 scholarships!
Judge – Cambridge50%33%2 clients received a total of ₤12,500 in scholarships!
Said – Oxford89%NA

Applicants starting university in September 2014

Top USA Schools

SchoolARINGO Admission rateSchool Admission rateScholarships
Anderson – UCLA56%18%2 clients received a total of $120,000 in scholarships!
Chicago – Booth56%24%3 clients received $145,000 in scholarships EACH!!!
Fuqua – Duke69%25%Client admitted with a $40,000 scholarship!
Kellogg63%22%Client admitted to Kellogg with a $70,000 scholarship!
Ross – Michigan54%35%Client admitted with a $30,000 scholarship!
Sloan – MIT50%13%Client admitted to LGO in round 2 with a $70,000 scholarship!
Stern – NYU90%18%Client admitted with a $60,000 scholarship!
Tuck – Dartmouth60%22%Client admitted with a $20,000 scholarship!
Yale50%24%Client admitted with a $29,000 scholarship!
Top European Schools
London Business School33%14%
Judge – Cambridge75%33%
Said – Oxford50%NA

Applicants starting university in September 2013

Top USA Schools

SchoolARINGO Admission rateSchool Admission rateScholarships
Anderson – UCLA55%18%4 clients admitted with $185,000 in scholarships in total!!
Fuqua – Duke58%25%Client admitted with $36,500 a scholarship!
Kellogg32%22%Client admitted with a $60,000 scholarship!
London Business School36%14%
Ross – Michigan71%35%Client admitted with a $30,000 scholarship!
Sloan – MIT26%13%
Stern – NYU50%18%

Applicants starting university in September 2012

Top USA Schools

SchoolARINGO Admission rateSchool Admission rateScholarships
Anderson – UCLA75%18%3 clients admitted with a total of $272,000 in scholarships!
Chicago – Booth50%24%2 clients were admitted with a $140,000 scholarship EACH!!!
Fuqua – Duke91%25%3 clients admitted with total of $77,500 in scholarships!
Haas44%NA3 clients admitted with total of $150,000 in scholarships!
Harvard17%12%2 clients admitted to with a total of $76,000 in scholarships!
INSEAD75%NAClient admitted with a $17,000 scholarship
Kellogg44%22%Client admitted with a$60,000 scholarship
London Business School54%14%
Ross – Michigan90%35%
Sloan – MIT42%13%Client admitted with a $76,000 scholarship!
Stern – NYU38%18%
Wharton42%21%2 clients admitted with total of $90,000 in scholarship!

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