Getting admitted to Stanford’s Graduate School of Business MBA program is highly competitive, as it is one of the most prestigious business schools in the world. The school has a selective admissions process, with a low acceptance rate, so it’s crucial to be well-prepared for the interview.

Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) is known for its rigorous MBA admissions process. Interviews are a vital part of this process, offering candidates a chance to showcase their qualifications, experiences, and fit for the program. ARINGO MBA Admissions has collected 100s of interview questions from our past candidates. Here are some common questions asked in Stanford MBA interviews and tips on how to excel:

  1. Why MBA?: Keep your introduction concise but engaging, highlighting your key professional and personal achievements.
  2. Why MBA? Why Now? Why Stanford?: Be clear about your motivations for pursuing an MBA, your timing, and why Stanford GSB is the ideal place to achieve your goals.
  3. Describe a Time When You Showed Leadership: Share a specific example that demonstrates your leadership skills, focusing on actions taken, impact achieved, and lessons learned.
  4. Describe a Challenge You Faced and Overcame: Discuss a challenging situation, your approach to tackling it, and the ultimate resolution. Highlight your resilience and problem-solving abilities.
  5. Tell Me About a Time You Went Above and Beyond: Narrate an instance where you exceeded expectations, emphasizing the value you brought to your team or organization.
  6. How Did You Influence Change in Your Organization?: Share a story about a time when you led efforts to drive change, outlining the specific steps you took and the outcomes achieved.
  7. Tell Me About a Difficult Team Member or Colleague: Describe a challenging interpersonal situation and how you effectively managed it, maintaining a focus on collaboration and conflict resolution.
  8. What Are Your Post-MBA Career Goals?: Clearly articulate your short-term and long-term career objectives, illustrating how an MBA from Stanford GSB will help you achieve them.
  9. What Books Have You Read Recently?: Discuss a non-professional book you’ve read, highlighting the insights or lessons you gained and how they relate to your personal development.
  10. Do You Have Any Questions for Me?: Prepare thoughtful questions about Stanford GSB, the MBA program, or the interviewer’s experiences to demonstrate your genuine interest.

General Interview Tips:

  • Research Extensively: Familiarize yourself with Stanford GSB’s values, culture, and specific programs that interest you. Tailor your responses accordingly.
  • Use the STAR Method: Structure your answers using the Situation, Task, Action, and Result framework for behavioral questions. Provide specific details and quantify your achievements where possible.
  • Be Authentic: Stanford GSB values authenticity. Share personal experiences and insights that reflect your true self.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Conduct mock interviews with friends or mentors to refine your responses and gain confidence.
  • Stay Calm and Composed: Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but remember to stay composed and confident. Take your time to think before responding.
  • Highlight Intellectual Curiosity: Emphasize your passion for learning and intellectual curiosity, which align with Stanford’s values.
  • Reflect on Impact: When discussing your achievements, focus on the impact you’ve made, whether it’s in your professional career or through extracurricular activities.
  • Follow Instructions: If the interviewer asks you specific questions in a particular order, be sure to address them accordingly.
  • Prepare Questions: Have insightful questions ready to ask your interviewer. This shows your genuine interest in Stanford GSB.

Stanford GSB’s MBA program is highly competitive, but with thorough preparation and genuine self-expression, you can increase your chances of impressing the admissions committee during your interview.

ARINGO MBA Admissions offers interview prep sessions! Check out our prices and services on or contact us today

Good luck!

The ARINGO MBA Admissions Team