What is a Part-Time EMBA (Executive MBA) Program?

EMBA programs (Executive MBA) are MBA programs intended for working professionals who already have extensive work experience, and by that, we usually mean a minimum of 8-10 years (there is no maximum). The EMBA programs are also generally intended for applicants who will continue working during their degree, so the studies are conducted part-time, during evenings, weekends, and occasional intensive study weeks. Therefore, EMBA students can often stay in their current professional positions on a full-time basis and with a full-time salary! while still taking on a degree at the same time.

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Traditionally, the costs for an EMBA were covered by the student’s employers as they naturally also benefit from the new skills their employees learn. These days, self-funded candidates are common. Therefore, more and more business schools offer EMBA scholarships (although, significantly fewer scholarships than in the full-time programs). As a result, an EMBA will generally be less of a financial burden for most, than a traditional MBA.

Additionally, it is common for older applicants to choose an EMBA program over an MBA program due to the work experience requirements for EMBA programs. Due to that, the average age of students at EMBA programs is 32 to 38 years, comparable to under 30 for most top-ranked full-time MBA programs.

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Are there Full-Time Executive MBA program?

The simple answer is, yes! There are several Full-Time 1 year MBA or MBA alike programs, that are designed for senior candidates who want to take one full year off work and dedicate it to studying. The average age of these programs is 35-40 with a minimum of 8-10 years of experience (no maximum).

ARINGO has a dedicated EMBA consultants’ team consisting of expert consultants who worked in or graduated from the top EMBA programs including: a former Sloan Fellows Admissions Director, a LBS EMBA former interviewing committee member, a Columbia Business school EMBA grad and 3 professional consultants with a lot of experience in helping candidates apply and get admitted into the top EMBA programs.

In the past 5 years, ARINGO consultants helped over 45 candidates get admitted into the top EMBA programs, including Columbia, Booth, Haas, MIT, Kellogg, Ross, UCLA, Darden, LBS, INSEAD, NYU and many more! See our EMBA admission stats here and Contact us to get started on your EMBA application:


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