Roy Shterenshus

ARINGO continues to interview students from top MBA programs, and today we bring you an interview with Roy Shterenshus, UNC MBA class of 2023, who shared his experience at Kenan Flagler MBA program and told us about the school, the admission process and the MBA program:

What is special about the UNC Kenan Flagler MBA? What differentiates it from other Top MBA programs? 

The UNC Kenan-Flagler MBA stands out for several reasons, making it a unique and enriching experience compared to other top MBA programs. One of its key distinguishing factors is the emphasis on fostering a strong sense of community, rooted in what’s known as the “Carolina way.”  This ethos revolves around comradery, collaboration, and togetherness, creating an environment where students thrive through mutual support and teamwork.

What truly sets it apart is the intimate class size, typically around 350 individuals. This smaller cohort size allows for a more personalized experience, fostering meaningful connections with classmates. In such an environment, you’re not just a face in the crowd; you have the opportunity to truly get to know the majority of your peers. This closeness creates a warm, familial atmosphere that greatly enhances the learning journey.

Moreover, the location of Chapel Hill plays a pivotal role in shaping the overall MBA experience. With a population of around 60,000, and a significant portion being students, the town’s atmosphere is vibrant and conducive to the academic journey. The blend of a tight-knit community  within the MBA program and the lively surroundings of Chapel Hill further enriches the overall educational and social experience.

In essence, the UNC Kenan-Flagler MBA stands out not only for its academic rigor but also for the sense of community it fosters, the intimate class setting that allows for deeper connections, and the vibrant atmosphere of Chapel Hill, all contributing to an enriching and well-rounded MBA experience.

Any recent changes in the programs or in the admission process?

The admission process for the UNC Kenan-Flagler MBA program hasn’t undergone significant alterations. The school remains committed to selecting a diverse pool of candidates. What’s essential in this process is showcasing your authentic personality. Whether through written applications or interviews, demonstrating who you are as an individual is crucial to the admission process. UNC values uniqueness and seeks candidates who can contribute distinct perspectives to  the community.

One notable change, however, is the appointment of a new dean to the business school. The new dean is a “triple tar heel,” having graduated from UNC three times. Her tenure marks a shift in focus  towards initiatives aimed at elevating UNC Kenan-Flagler’s reputation on a national scale. Her leadership aims to implement strategies that will position the school more prominently across the country, potentially introducing new opportunities and innovations for the MBA program.

Can you share some details about the atmosphere in the school? between students, between students and faculty? How do students spend their free time?

The atmosphere at UNC Kenan-Flagler is truly something special, largely owing to the unique setting of Chapel Hill as a vibrant college town. The majority of students living in the area creates a  close-knit, community-oriented vibe that permeates the school.

One standout aspect is the remarkable bond between students and faculty. With a favorable student-to-professor ratio in classes, there’s a genuine opportunity for students to forge strong relationships with professors. This closeness extends beyond the classroom, allowing for after-class interactions where professors become mentors, offering support not just academically, but also in career advice and recruitment endeavors.

This sense of tight-knit relationships extends to the student body as well. Unlike some other top business schools where competition can dominate, UNC Kenan-Flagler fosters a collaborative community spirit. Students are genuinely supportive of each other, creating an environment where  collaboration takes precedence over cutthroat competition.

In terms of free time, students often frequent the bars located on Franklin Street, just a short 10-minute walk from campus. It’s a social hub where students unwind, socialize, and build friendships  outside the academic sphere. Additionally, given UNC’s reputation as a sports powerhouse, attending football or basketball games is a popular pastime. The vibrant energy and school spirit during these events add to the overall collegiate experience, further strengthening the bonds within  the student body.

In essence, UNC Kenan-Flagler offers an atmosphere that blends academic rigor with a strong sense of community, where both students and faculty form close relationships, and where leisure time is filled with social activities and supporting the university’s renowned sports teams.

Can you share some details about Chapel Hill?

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, is a town that beautifully embodies the essence of tranquility and vibrancy. Nestled amidst picturesque landscapes, Chapel Hill exudes a serene and peaceful ambiance that’s truly captivating. The town’s charm lies in its ability to blend a relaxed, laid-back atmosphere with an underlying youthful exuberance.

As a college town dominated by a significant population of students, Chapel Hill feels perpetually young and lively. The energy is infectious, with a constant buzz of activities that keep the town vibrant. The presence of students from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill infuses the town with a sense of vitality and enthusiasm.

However, despite its lively nature, Chapel Hill manages to maintain pockets of tranquility. There are  quiet spots, serene parks, and tree-lined streets that provide a peaceful escape from the hustle and  bustle, offering residents and visitors alike moments of solace and calm.

The blend of youthful liveliness and peaceful retreats makes Chapel Hill a unique and appealing place to live or visit. Whether strolling through its vibrant streets teeming with college life or seeking  moments of serenity in its quieter corners, Chapel Hill offers a well-rounded experience that captures the best of both worlds.

Kenan Flagler

Can you share some details regarding job opportunities and summer internships for students in your school?

At UNC Kenan-Flagler, the career opportunities and summer internships available to students are diverse and abundant. The Career Center plays a pivotal role, offering hands-on support and guidance to students across various aspects of career development. This support is especially  notable for international students, who form a significant portion of the class, typically around 33%.  The center ensures that these students receive tailored assistance, addressing specific needs and  challenges they might encounter in the job market.

UNC Kenan-Flagler is renowned for several career paths. Finance, banking, healthcare, and marketing stand out as strong sectors where students often find compelling opportunities. However, the tech industry also holds a significant presence, attracting a considerable number of graduates. While the school might not traditionally be considered the top destination for aspiring consultants due to lower-than-average placement rates, recent efforts have seen substantial improvements. There’s been a focused push to enhance placements in prestigious consulting firms, including the “MBB” (McKinsey, Bain, and BCG) and Big 4 companies, resulting in an increasing number of graduates securing positions in these competitive firms.

The Career Center’s proactive approach and the school’s strategic efforts in strengthening relationships with various industries have contributed to a diverse range of job opportunities and internships for students, ensuring a comprehensive support system to launch successful careers post-graduation.

What kind of candidates is the school looking for? Who will especially enjoy this school? Who will be a good fit to the school?

UNC Kenan-Flagler seeks candidates who embody authenticity, honesty, and a genuine desire to contribute positively to a broader community. The ideal candidate embraces the “Carolina way,” showing a willingness to support classmates, faculty, and friends alike. The school values individuals who add to the diversity of perspectives, enhancing the sense of camaraderie and inclusivity across the campus.

Those who will truly relish the UNC experience are individuals seeking more than just a competitive  MBA journey. Instead, they’re drawn to a supportive and friendly environment where collaboration trumps cutthroat competition. UNC is an excellent fit for people seeking a nurturing atmosphere where mutual support and camaraderie thrive.

Moreover, it’s a fantastic choice for a diverse range of individuals, whether they’re single, married, or even have families. The multitude of student-led clubs and support systems cater to life beyond  the classroom, providing avenues for personal growth and connections.

In essence, UNC Kenan-Flagler is a haven for those with a Type A personality, individuals who value  fighting alongside each other rather than against one another. It’s a place where the spirit of unity and support defines the overall experience, making it an ideal fit for those seeking a collaborative and nurturing environment in their MBA journey.

How can an applicant make up for a mediocre GMAT core?

If an applicant’s GMAT score falls on the mediocre side, there are still avenues to strengthen their  candidacy and showcase their potential for success at UNC Kenan-Flagler. One crucial strategy is  to highlight how their professional experience aligns with the school’s values and programs. Demonstrating the relevance of their work background and achievements can compensate for a less-than-ideal GMAT score.

Additionally, emphasizing a solid undergraduate GPA can serve as a supporting factor. While the GMAT is a component, a strong academic performance during college can reinforce one’s academic capability.

Moreover, an applicant can make a compelling case by illustrating how their skills and experiences  can contribute to the UNC MBA community. Articulating a clear vision of how they intend to make a  meaningful impact during their time at the school can be compelling. This involves showcasing leadership skills, teamwork capabilities, and a genuine passion for contributing positively to the school’s environment.

Crafting a compelling narrative that weaves together past experiences, such as military service in the IDF and professional work history, to explain how these experiences have shaped their career goals is also essential. Aligning these experiences with UNC’s offerings and values demonstrates a well-thought-out plan and a genuine desire to leverage what the school offers to propel their career  to the next level.

Ultimately, a strong application hinges on demonstrating a clear understanding of why UNC Kenan- Flagler is the right fit for the applicant’s career aspirations. Articulating post-MBA career goals and illustrating how UNC’s resources, programs, and community will play a pivotal role in achieving those goals is crucial to making a compelling case despite a mediocre GMAT score.