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ARINGO MBA Admissions Consulting conducted an exclusive interview with Francesco Farne, a senior manager at Hult Business School:


  1. What is special about your MBA program? In addition to its’ excellent reputation, what differentiates it from other Top MBA programs?

Hult International Business School’s MBA program is distinguished by its global perspective, practical learning approach, entrepreneurial focus, diversity, and flexibility. With campuses spanning Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai and New York. Hult offers students the opportunity to immerse themselves in diverse business environments worldwide. The program emphasizes hands-on experience through real-world consulting projects, simulations, and case studies, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for the challenges of the business world.

Furthermore, Hult fosters an entrepreneurial mindset among its students, providing resources and support for aspiring entrepreneurs. Its diverse student body, representing over 160 nationalities, enriches the learning experience by exposing students to different perspectives and cultures. Additionally, Hult’s flexible MBA program offers options for full-time, part-time, and online study, allowing students to tailor their education to fit their personal and professional goals. These factors collectively contribute to Hult’s reputation as a top-tier MBA program with a unique and impactful approach to business education.

  1. Are there any recent changes in the programs or in the admission process?

There have not been changes in the programs Admission’s process. Students are still required to have 3 years of full-time work experience to be eligible for the MBA program. However, for the Finance MBA that is now available to students as well, a GMAT is also required. As for the rest of the Admissions process, all students are required to provide an Updated Resume, Personal Statement, Referee Form and Undergraduate Transcripts and Diploma Certificate.

  1. Can you share some details about the atmosphere in the school? Between students, between students and faculty? How do students spend their free time?

Hult International Business School fosters a vibrant and diverse atmosphere, both among students and between students and faculty. With a student body representing over 145 nationalities, there’s a rich cultural exchange that contributes to a dynamic learning environment. Students often form strong bonds with their classmates, collaborating on projects, sharing experiences, and building lasting friendships.

The relationship between students and faculty is typically collaborative and supportive. Faculty members often have extensive industry experience, and they engage with students in a variety of ways, including lectures, seminars, and one-on-one mentoring. There’s often an emphasis on open communication and dialogue, where students are encouraged to ask questions, share their perspectives, and challenge ideas.

In terms of how students spend their free time, it can vary depending on individual interests and preferences. Many students participate in extracurricular activities such as student clubs and organizations, which cover a wide range of interests including business, culture, sports, and social causes. These clubs often organize events, workshops, and networking opportunities, providing students with opportunities to connect with peers who share similar interests.

Additionally, students may take advantage of the diverse cultural offerings of the cities where Hult campuses are located. Whether it’s exploring museums, attending cultural events, enjoying local cuisine, or simply socializing with friends, there’s no shortage of ways for students to unwind and enjoy their free time outside of academic pursuits.

  1. Can you share some details about the area the school is located in?

Hult International Business School has campuses in major global cities, including Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai, and New York City. Each location offers unique advantages, such as Boston’s finance and education hub, San Francisco’s tech innovation scene, London’s global finance and culture, Dubai’s rapid economic growth, and New York City’s diverse industries and culture. These cities provide students with rich opportunities for networking, cultural immersion, and professional development.

  1. Can you share some details regarding job opportunities and summer internships for students in your school?

Hult International Business School offers the opportunity to students to embark on diverse job and internship opportunities through the support of our career services team, corporate partnerships, alumni connections, industry networking events, and experiential learning programs. With support from career advisors, access to a global alumni network, and partnerships with leading companies, students have ample resources to secure internships and launch their careers in various industries and locations.

  1. What kind of candidates is the school looking for? Who will especially enjoy this school? who will be a good fit to the school?

Our School seeks candidates who are ambitious, globally-minded, and eager to make an impact in the business world. Ideal candidates are collaborative team players with a passion for innovation and entrepreneurship. They thrive in diverse environments and are open to new experiences and perspectives.

Those who will especially enjoy Hult are individuals who value hands-on, experiential learning and seek a truly global education. They appreciate the opportunity to study and collaborate with peers from diverse cultural backgrounds and are eager to immerse themselves in different business environments around the world.

Good fits for Hult are students who are proactive, adaptable, and eager to take on challenges. They are self-motivated learners who are not only focused on academic excellence but also on developing practical skills and building a strong professional network. Ultimately, candidates who embrace Hult’s entrepreneurial spirit, global perspective, and collaborative ethos are likely to thrive and excel at the school.

  1. Is there anything you’d like our candidates to know regarding the admissions process?

Please let students know that they might also require an English test (IELTS or TOEFL) that they can provide after they complete their application with Hult. Also, if any student has more than 10 years of relevant full-time work experience and no Bachelor Degree, they could still be eligible for our MBA program.

  1. Any tips for applicants considering applying to your school?

For applicants considering Hult International Business School, I would advise that they focus on the below elements, in order for them to stand out to our Admissions team:

  1. Highlight global experience and cross-cultural skills.
  2. Showcase entrepreneurial spirit and innovation.
  3. Demonstrate leadership and teamwork abilities.
  4. Research programs to align with your goals.
  5. Prepare for interviews by articulating your strengths.
  6. Connect with alumni or current students for insights and advice.

For more information on Hult MBA and other business schools, contact us today