After scouring the different sites and reviews, I finally decided to give Aringo a try for a free initial service to understand the admission-consulting process and how it can help me. I chose to try Aringo because they seem to have a good track record in the most competitive pool to which I belong to, “The Indian Male” and have highly qualified consultants in the team.
I got a call from Chaya, Aringo’ CEO. The half hour call was truly enlightening.
We started with a small introduction of Aringo’s services. Then she explained me about how the process of application is all about marketing yourself as a product that the B-school is willing to buy. She patiently heard about my intentions for the call, answering my queries and giving insightful suggestions. She took examples from my profile and explained how I can project a weakness as a strength in my application all the while acknowledging it as a drawback to the Adcom. She made practical points about how to be realistic in my application process. The half hour call had a cheerful air in it and made quite a positive impact on me, leaving me wanting more. She was willing to be flexible in Aringo’s approach for me. I would certainly recommend Aringo’s services going forward. I will update the complete services once I start working with them soon.
P.S: For Indian applicants, She does understand our capabilities well and that these rates are little high for us. Aringo was willing to offer discounts when necessary and tailor suit a plan for me as required.