INSEAD is one of the best business schools in Europe and in the world, and its MBA program is ranked at the top of most MBA rankings. ARINGO conducted a short interview with Anne Garat, Director, Marketing and Recruitment, MBA and MIM, in order to learn more about the school, its MBA program and the admission process:


Q: What is special about your MBA program? In addition to its’ excellent reputation, what

differentiates it from other Top MBA programs?
A: With three fully-integrated campuses in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, and over 80 different nationalities in the classroom, no other business school offers such a multicultural experience. The accelerated 10-month curriculum develops successful, thoughtful leaders and entrepreneurs who create value for their organisations and their communities.


Q: Are there any recent changes in the programs or in the admission process?
A: As a student at INSEAD, you now have the opportunity to engage in two different yet complimentary types of developmental coaching, namely career coaching and leadership development coaching. The primary focus of career coaching is helping you articulate your career goals based on your value system and desires whereas the PLDP coaching gives you an opportunity to reflect on and explore your effectiveness in leading your own development and leading others. These complimentary approaches at times cover similar ground while working towards distinct aspects of helping you to be the best and most effective version of yourself.


Q: Has the COVID-19 situation have an impact on getting accepted to the programs at your school? Is there any other impact candidates should be aware of?

A: As many GMAT centres have been closed, applicants can apply without a GMAT score and submit their score at the earliest opportunity. Applicants are now encouraged to take the online GMAT exam.


Q: Can you share some details about the atmosphere in the school? Amongst the students? Between students and faculty? How do students spend their free time?

A: INSEAD is described by alumni as being an intense, collaborative and supportive, multi-cultural environment where there is no dominant culture. They often describe their time at INSEAD as life-changing. Students do not have much “free” time; rather they learn to consciously make choices between meaningful academic, career, social and student life activities.


Q: Can you share some details about the area the school is located in?

A: INSEAD has 3 fully-fledged campuses. The Europe Campus, located in the historic town of Fontainebleau, France. Fontainebleau lies 60km south of Paris and is surrounded by the forest of Fontainebleau. The Asia campus is located in Singapore and our Middle East campus in Abu Dhabi. In addition to the 3 campuses in February 2020 we launched the San Francisco hub for business Innovation in California.


Q: Can you share some details regarding job opportunities and summer internships for students in your school?

A: 92% of students have offers within 3 months of graduation, joining 322 organisations. Internships are not required to get post-MBA positions. Students can work on a summer project for 8 weeks if they join the January intake.


Q: What is it that you are looking for in a candidate? Who will especially enjoy this school? who will be a good fit to the school?

A: We assess applicants according to 4 admissions criteria: Academic Capacity, Leadership potential, International Motivation and Ability to contribute.


Q: One most important piece of advice for an applicant based on your experience?

A:Be yourself. Make sure that you sufficient time to produce the best quality application that you are capable of.

It’s good to talk about what you have learned from positive and negative experiences.


Q:  What NOT to do in the admissions process?

A: It’s not advisable to invest insufficient time in applications or to not tell the truth.


Q: Are later rounds worth considering?

A: Definitely, you have exactly the same chances in all 4 rounds.


Q: GMAT and importance as a % of the candidacy? What is the minimum GMAT you are looking for?

A: The GMAT score makes up part of the Academic Capacity component along with your previous grades: which together make up 25% of the overall assessment. There is no minimum GMAT although 90% of current students achieved overall scores of 670-750.


Q: Is there anything you’d like our candidates to know regarding the admissions process?

A: Every part of every application will be read carefully more than once.


Q: Can you tell us more about funding – scholarship/fellowship options in your school?

A: There are scholarships available which are detailed on the INSEAD MBA programme page under “financing”. Scholarships are based on “merit” and on “need”. You will apply for scholarships once you get through to the interview stage. You will need to complete a separate scholarship application for each scholarship that you apply for.


Q: Can you share some information about partners who are joining the student- Employment options for him/her? What are the visa requirements?

A: We have specialist staff than can offer guidance and assist with partner VISAs.