The UK government have just announced that international graduates from universities and business schools will be granted a two year visa, as of next year. This is both for those who have received either their bachelors or their masters degree. Until this point, graduates were only granted visas for four months post-graduation. This new policy comes as part of Prime Minister, Boris Johnson’s new immigration reform. “[This] will make the UK even more open, even more welcome” Johnson said whilst making the announcement live on Facebook.

Education secretary, Gavin Williamson said: “The important contribution international students make to our country and universities is both cultural and economic. Their presence benefits Britain, which is why we’ve increased the period of time these students can remain in the UK after their studies.

There will be no cap on the amount of visas available and will be available to all international bachelor and masters graduates, regardless of their area of study.

Currently there are just over 450,000 international students studying in the UK. The UK administration are hoping to rise that number to 600,000 over the next few years.

This could be a huge incentive for international MBA students to study in the UK. Graduates will have plenty of time to find work and could possibly continue with a skilled work visa after the two years.