Harvard and Stanford’s admission committees published updates for Round 2 candidates, including timetables for interview invitations.

The deadline for Stanford’s Round 2 was 1/8, and they intend to continue their Round 1 pilot of completing all interviews within four weeks with rejected candidates receiving their answers earlier in order to enable them to apply to other schools. Interview invitations will be sent to Round 2 candidates between 2/3 – 3/4.

Harvard reported that they will send interview invitations to Round 2 candidates on two specific dates – 1/29 and 2/5, and that rejection notices will be released on 2/5 to all candidates not advancing in the process. Interview invitations will be sent via email and will include times and locations for campus interviews occurring February 13-28 as well as interviews in other cities around the world. Candidates who cannot travel can be interviewed over Skype.


Put Me in Business (applying in less than a year)
Put Me in Business (applying in more than a year)