There is a common myth that once a candidate hits 30, or even the old age of 35 😊, Top MBAs are out of reach. While some MBA programs are tough to get into after a certain age, or X number of professional years of experience, there are many top-notch programs specifically tailored for mid-career professionals. Always check the class profile of the program, the recruiters that schools work with, and the teaching methodology to see if it is a good fit for you.

Programs like Stanford MSx, MIT Sloan Fellows MBA, The London Business School Sloan Masters in Leadership and Strategy, and Marshall IBEAR are designed programs and good options for older and more senior candidates. These programs are not like a standard 2-year program. They are all 1year long so that there is less time loss out of the job market. Additionally, the length of the program gives a better ROI. At this age, candidates generally need to get settled and have an urgency to get an admirable job in their destination fields, hence these programs are best suited.

The upcoming event on the Marshall IBEAR program is an opportunity to talk to current students and alumni about how the IBEAR MBA Program has helped develop their careers. Learn from members of the admissions team about the curriculum, specializations available, application process, application deadlines, and scholarship opportunities –

Long story short, going back to school in between your career is a huge investment and as you get older it becomes all the more difficult. But if you have a clear set of goals and can communicate the same through your applications and interview, you are good to go! MBA over 30 is not as tricky as it sounds, just ensures taking extra care when selecting MBA programs that fit your needs.

Contact us at ARINGO for further details on your chance for an MBA, even if you are over 30!