The interview season has begun at the top MBA programs. Following the initial screening of applicants, most leading business schools invite candidates to the “second stage” of the admissions process – the admission interview. Approximately 30%-50% of applicants are usually invited to interviews. However, some schools, such as Kellogg, interview all applicants prior to submitting applications, as an integral part of the admissions process.
Usually, candidates can choose between on-campus or off-campus interviews. If the interview is conducted on campus, the interviewer may be a member of the admissions committee (for example at Cornell) or a student (for example at Wharton). Off-campus interviews are usually conducted by alumni.

If you have been invited to an interview, you should read ARINGO tips for MBA interviews and start preparing for these common interview questions.

We’ll take this opportunity to wish good luck for ARINGO candidates who were invited to interview at the top programs:

9 ARINGO MBA candidates (out of 11) were invited to interview at Chicago Booth.

4 ARINGO MBA candidates (out of 5) were invited to interview at London Business School.

3 ARINGO MBA candidates were invited to interview at Harvard Business School.

One ARINGO MBA candidate was invited to interview at Stanford.

Crossing fingers for you!