We continue our series of interviews with MBA alumni with the following interview with a Michigan grad:

What is special about your school? In your eyes, what differentiates your school from others?
Ross has a great mix of social life and career focus, it really is the embodiment of the work hard play hard attitude. People in the school are very collaborative and the curriculum supports that – either through a lot of group work (many classes mandate work in groups) or through the MAP project which teaches students to work on a real life project as a team. In addition as a very large university with many top 10 programs students at Ross have numerous opportunities to collaborate with students from different programs and connect with the largest alumni network in the U.S

Any recent changes in your school? or in the admission process?
As a public university Michigan’s budget is under constant review and as part of that outstanding loan balance is constantly monitored. In recent years outstanding loan amount was a concern that led to a policy change in which loans to international students were not available. It is recommended that students who apply look into more recent policy and for alternative option of financing.

Can you share some details about the atmosphere in the school? between students, between students and faculty? How do you spend your free time?
Ross is a very fun oriented school and there are a lot of activities dedicated to students getting to know their classmates. From a weekly happy hour to organized special events there are a lot of ways the school fosters socialization but more important than what the school does is the attitude of the students – getting to know others is a key quality in students who join Ross and the nights spent hanging out with fellow students (and the network created as a result) is one of the biggest advantages the school has to offer.

Can you share some details about the area/city?
Living in a college town is a very unique experience – from football games in a stadium that is big enough to hold everyone in Ann Arbor to having everything you need in a walking distance there is just something about living in a community of people just like you. In addition, the proximity to Detroit allows students to get involved with communities with different needs and opens students’ eyes to the impact that their actions can have on the world around them.

Can you share some details regarding job opportunities and summer internships for students in your school? How strong is the career office? Did the school name/brand give you any advantage when looking for a job? Are there any specific recruiters who mostly recruit from this school?
Ross is a well balanced school when it comes to career options – there are a lot of opportunities in tech, marketing, consulting and finance. The career office has great relationships with numerous companies and there is a good representation of the different industries in the on-campus recruiting process. There are specific companies that recruit very heavily on campus due to a strong alumni base in those companies like Microsoft and Amazon. In addition the career office’s approach to recruiting enables students to try interviewing with different companies from different industries while maintaining a well balanced system that wont prevent any opportunities from any students.

How did you deal with the Visa issue?
The school’s process of supporting international students makes all the visa arrangements extremely easy. There is careful documentation available to all students and face to face support whenever it is required. This is handled so well that most students dont even see this as an issue

What did you like about the school/program?
The students attitude toward their schoolmates.

Who will especially enjoy this school? who will be a good fit to the school?
Michigan is an amazing school for people who want more than just education, it is a place that offers a lot but it is up for the student to go out and find the opportunities that are right for him / her. Its a school for people who want a great experience and are willing to put in a great effort to make their time at school amazing for themselves and their friends.

Any tips for someone who is considering applying to your school?
Really get to know people at the school and recent graduate and see if you can envision yourself spending two years with these people because Ross is all about the people you’re with.