According to recent reports published in the media, the Trump administration is going to substantially reduce the number of J-1 Visas granted to international students who want to study in the US. After getting some questions from concerned candidates, we wanted to clarify the following:

Most international students in top MBA programs in the US get the F-1 Visa, allowing them to study (but not work) in the US. This Visa also allows the students’ spouses to stay in the US but not work there.

Some students, who get external support in financing their degree, get the J-1 Visa, which allows their spouses to work in the US.

Summer internships and the early work period in the US right after graduating are not supposed to be affected since they have nothing to do with the J-1 Visa, but with the Optional training program, a 1-1.5 year period after graduating when the graduate is allowed to work in the US.

In conclusion – the current change regarding J-1 Visa will mostly affect some of the students’ spouses, who in the past were allowed to work while their spouse is studying, and now will not have that option.

One last thing – after HBS round 1 deadline and a minute before the rest of round 1 deadlines, we want to wish good luck to all ARINGO candidates in the coming application season, especially to two of our candidates who were already invited to an interview at Columbia Business School.